Congratulations to the 3L Haiku Contest Winners!

Thank you to everyone who entered. The judging was difficult but we did manage to pick two winners.

Drum roll…and the winners are:

Haiku Contest Winner 2020

Thank you to Prof. Noreuil for his inspiring Haiku and for signing the prizes which are copies of his book The Zen of Passing the Bar Exam. All the entries are below. Good luck to everyone taking the Bar Exam. We know you will do great!

What is the bar, friend?
Studying, books, law law law
But in truth? Coffee.
-Nick Walter

Let’s pass our finals,
Kill it on the Bar Exam,
And be great lawyers.
-Heather Martin

Oh the dread I feel
But hope’s on the horizon
I’m prepared to win
-Austin Cromack

Become a lawyer.
All it takes is two days, right?
Really — stop whining.
-Jenny Adams

Want to graduate,
but I know waiting for me
is a big gut punch.
-Austin Marshall

The bar will be hard
It is stressful and tricky
but lunch will be free
-Basil D’Souza

Oh god oh god oh
God oh god oh *coffee* god
Oh god oh god oh
-Andrew Weber

Was it all worth it?
Countless hours, books, funds, and tears
The bar will decide
-Andrew Weber

The Monkey Bar, Hang
A life in Cartoon Motion
The Bar Exam, BANG!
-Salvador Navarro

It is time to shine.
The bar test will be just fine.
Trust in you this time!
– Jordan Buckwald