Do you want to win $500? Do you want something special to add to your resume? How about all the pats on the back you will get from family and friends if you win this prestigious award? You better get to work! The deadline to enter the annual Ross-Blakley Law Library Award for Exemplary Student Research is March 30th at 9:00am.
The purpose of the award is to encourage students to focus on practical skills and to refine their research abilities beyond ordinary proficiency to achieve their personal best. We are most interested in your research process. Submissions may be, but are not limited to, papers written for a class or as a journal note.
Two award recipients will be selected. The first place winner will receive $500.00 and a Certificate of Recognition. The second place winner will receive $250.00 and a Certificate of Recognition.
A panel composed of two Law Librarians and one Legal Writing Instructor will judge submissions based on how well they demonstrate the following:
- Sophistication, originality, or unusual depth or breadth in the use of research materials, including, but not limited to, online and print resources, search engines and databases, primary and secondary legal resources, interdisciplinary resources, and empirical resources
- Exceptional innovation in research strategy, including the ability to locate, select, and evaluate research materials with discretion
- Skillful synthesis of research results into a comprehensive scholarly analysis
To learn more about the award including eligibility, acceptable papers, selection criteria and application procedures, please visit: Ross-Blakley Law Library Award for Exemplary Student Research
And remember, if you need help with your research, don’t forget to Meet with a Librarian.
Good Luck!