President Obama nominated Andrew Hurwitz on Wednesday to serve on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. Justice Hurwitz was appointed to the Arizona Supreme Court in 2003 by Governor Janet Napolitano, and has served as the vice chief justice since 2009. He has taught regularly at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law since 1977, where he currently teaches Civil Procedure.
In a statement released Wednesday, President Obama said that “Justice Hurwitz has proven himself to be not only a first-rate legal mind but a faithful public servant. It is with full confidence in his ability, integrity, and independence that I nominate him to the bench of the United States Court of Appeals.”
Interested in reading opinions that Justice Hurwitz has authored while on the Arizona Supreme Court? Check out the following sources:
- The Arizona Supreme Court website has the Court’s opinions back to 1998 available. Use the “Opinions Custom Search” to search for Justice Hurwitz’s opinions.
- Using Westlaw, limit your search to the Arizona Cases (AZ-CS) database, which contains Arizona state court cases since 1866. In your terms and connectors search include “JU(Hurwitz)” to retrieve opinions authored by Hurwitz.
- Using LexisNexis, limit your search to the AZ State Cases (AZCTS) database, which contains Arizona state court cases since 1866. In the “Restrict by Document Segment” portion of the search page, choose “OPINIONBY” from the drop down menu, enter “Hurwitz” in the blank field, and click on “Add.” This will run a search of opinions authored by Justice Hurwitz.