The Law Library has an abundance of resources to help you prepare for your exams. Our online study aids subscriptions will help build your confidence.
This resource includes a variety of study aids to help students quickly grasp concepts that may have been elusive in class, such as the Acing series. It also features exam prep resources to help you master multiple choice or ease through issue spotters, such as the ExamPro series.
This resources includes the invaluable Crunchtime series, which tests your mettle in multiple choice and essays while providing flowcharts to guide you along the path to success. Aspen also provides the renowned Examples and Explanations series to help you master lessons that may have been opaque in the classroom.
- CALI tutorials are written by law faculty and librarians from American law schools. They are reviewed and revised on a regular basis. The lessons are designed to help you become accustomed to taking multiple-choice examinations and provide feedback to your answers.
- Our print Study Skills Collection is located on the third floor of the Law Library across from the Circulation Desk. The collection brings together an array of study aids to help you prepare for your exams. All the materials in the Study Skills Collection may be checked out for two weeks and are renewable twice. We also have a print collection of Exam Preparation Guides you may find useful.
- You may access Law School Past Exams from the Law Library’s web site. Many faculty members make their past exams available to students as a teaching aid.
If there is anything specific you might need help with as you prepare to study for your exams, please don’t’ hesitate to schedule an appointment to Meet with a Librarian.
We wish you the best of luck!