Group Study Room reservation times will be extended during the exam period, December 5-19, 2012.
- 3 to 4 person groups may reserve a room for a maximum of six hours per day
- 5 to 6 person groups may reserve a room for a maximum of eight hours per day
- Individuals and people studying in pairs will be required to use 2 person study rooms and may reserve a room for a maximum of 4 hours per day
You may reserve rooms up to one week in advance. Reserved rooms will be held for 15 minutes. Please stop by the Law Library Circulation desk to reserve a room or use our online study room reservation system.
Groups are limited to the maximum reservation time per day. Reservations may not be made under multiple group members’ names in order to extend use of a study room beyond the maximum time. Consecutive reservations made for members of the same group will be cancelled.