Exams are right around the corner and you may still be trying to work through all those hearsay exceptions for your evidence final, but you can take heart in the fact that law school is tough for everyone – even two-time Super Bowl champions. Randall Gay, who won the Super Bowl while playing for the New England Patriots in 2004 and the New Orleans Saints in 2009, is now a 1L at the Southern University Law School. Gay compares the rigors of the NFL to law school:
“I didn’t have to really study for football. It’s just something you know. Now, I’m starting from scratch writing briefs. I don’t know what a brief is. I’m taking a tort class. I don’t know what a tort is. In football, we have seven days to prepare. Now I have to do assignments and have them done by the next day. But I’ve learned to adapt quickly.” (Randall Gay Trades Playbooks for Law Books, 9News Neighborhood)
We wish both you and Randall the best of luck as you head in to this exam season. If you would like some tips and resources to help you prepare for your tests and papers, check out these past Ross-Blakley Law Library Blog posts: