Exam time is here so we would like to remind you about the following helpful study tools and services the Law Library staff has produced to assist you in preparing for exams.
Extended Hours
The Law Library will be open the following extended hours during exams.
Friday, December 2nd and December 9th 7:00 a.m. – Midnight
Saturday, December 3 and December 10 8:00 a.m. – Midnight
Study Rooms
The law library has group study rooms available for the exclusive use of Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law students, faculty, and law alumni studying for the state bar exam. During exam periods 3 to 4 person groups may reserve a room for a maximum of six hours per day and 5 to 6 person groups can reserve a room for a maximum of eight hours per day. You may reserve rooms up to one week in advance. Reserved rooms will be held for 15 minutes. Please stop by the Law Library Circulation desk to reserve a room or use our online study room reservation system.
Studying Late?
Don’t forget about the All Night Study Room. Entrance to the room, located on the northwest corner of the building, is by a code that is issued to individual students at the circulation desk. Please apply in person for the code or use our online study room reservation system. The All Night Study Room is intended for individual study in a quiet atmosphere. It is not intended for group study and does not provide access to the rest of the building.
Law School Past Exams
Many faculty members make their past exams available to students as a teaching aid. In an effort to provide students with the broadest possible access to past exams, the Law Library has placed them online. You may access them from the Law Library’s home page.
Study Skills Collection
It is easy for you to find books that will help you study for exams. The Law Library staff has created a Study Skills Collection. Located in the Reserve Reading room on the first floor of the Law Library, the collection brings together an array of study aids, legal research and writing texts, exam and bar exam materials. You may check books out for two weeks.
Good luck on your exams from the Law Library staff.