Have an iPad? If so, this guide to maximizing the functionality of your tablet may be of interest to you.
iPad in One Hour for Lawyers
By Tom Mighell
Law Treatises KF320.A9 M48 2011
If you use an iPad with any frequency, either as a law student or as a practicing lawyer, iPad in One Hour for Lawyers will likely contain very useful information for you. The first few lessons in the book address the basic setup and overall management of your iPad, including how to add files and sync them (which is actually harder than you would think, due to the tablet’s lack of USB port, SD card slot, and document folders). The remaining lessons cover specific ways to be productive with your iPad. The author, Tom Mighell, focuses on ways to create content, including how to use the tablet to write notes, prepare documents, generate spreadsheets, and even develop presentations. The book also has a lesson devoted to using apps specifically designed for the practicing lawyer (which contains a list of some of the author’s favorite apps).
iPad in One Hour for Lawyers is easy to navigate and gives useful step-by-step instructions for most topics. It also features a number of graphics, mainly screen shots, which help the reader visualize the written instructions. The book is short (hence the “in one hour” title), but nonetheless gives thorough advice on maximizing your iPad’s capabilities.
The author also maintains a blog titled iPad 4 Laywers, intended as a companion site to the book. On the blog Mighell provides “the latest tips, tricks on using the iPad, and reviews of apps that lawyers – or anyone, really – can use to be more productive at work and in other areas.” Be sure to check out this website for even more ideas on how to use your iPad to the fullest extent.