Advances in technology aren’t just making our jobs as attorneys easier. They’re making it easier to land a job in the first place.
The Ross-Blakley Law Library’s research experts know the tools that can be the difference maker when employers decide who will get a callback.
Our Law Employment Research guide gathers materials to help you decide what job you want, develop networking connections, and get information on law firms, judges, and other potential employers.
Even more helpful in landing a job are the one-on-one appointments we offer to all students looking for a job. Click here to make an appointment! We can help you use new and old research tools, from cutting-edge Litigation Analytics software to simple examinations of firm websites and blogs.
The information you gather can help you decide which experiences to emphasize in your resume and cover letter to maximize your chances, and it can even help you choose which writing sample you have that will be most appealing to particular employers.
Career Services can assist in constructing effective resumes and cover letters, as well as interview prep. But before you reach that stage, consider a brief, 15 minute meeting with a law librarian to make sure you know all you need to know about your potential future boss before you apply.