For many law graduates, studying for the July bar exam has commenced. We want to remind you that the Law Library is open to ASU law graduates studying for the bar and that there are a number of bar preparation materials in the Library collection that may be helpful to you in the coming months:
- Past Arizona bar exam essay questions and summary of issues (February 1995-July 2011)
- Bar prep series – videos recorded by ASU law professors on bar exam subjects
- Bar Exam Resource Guide – a guide to information and services for ASU law graduates preparing to take the bar exam in Arizona or elsewhere
Be sure to also consult the resources in the Study Skills Collection, which include books on bar exam subjects and best practices for bar preparation:
- The Glannon Guide to Secured Transactions: Learning Secured Transactions Through Multiple Choice Questions and Analysis (2012)
A new book in the Law Library collection, The Glannon Guide to Secured Transactions provides a concise review of secured transactions topics through multiple-choice questions and explanatory answers.
- Emanuel’s Law Outlines: Secured Transactions (2011)
Another new book in the Law Library, Emanuel’s Secured Transactions outline provides a comprehensive breakdown of the topic into outline format with both summary and detailed versions of the main issues within secured transactions.