Each new area of the law that you encounter during law school has its own jargon, quirks, and intricate research pathways. The beginning of the semester can feel complicated and overwhelming. But fear not! The Ross-Blakley Law Librarians have developed research guides to help you during your journey.
It might seem difficult to get a good start, particularly with casebooks to read. But our research guides can help you dive in to the hot-button legal issues ripe for new perspectives. In particular, we have recently added entries for the Spring 2021 semester to our Topical Seminar Research Guides to help students who will be writing about legal developments in a variety of areas of law.
Our Artificial Intelligence guide, for example, includes publications dedicated to advancing knowledge of “thought and intelligent behavior and their embodiment in machines.” Education and the Law links students to several blogs and news services capturing the latest trends in school policy. Medical Malpractice and Medical Error can help you find forensic studies to bolster your legal claims, and Law and Sexuality can guide you to interdisciplinary databases that you can access as an ASU student.
The topical seminar research guides can be accessed at: https://libguides.law.asu.edu/seminarguides
Sean Harrington, Electronic Resources Librarian