In addition to its incredible collection of law reviews, congressional documents, and international materials, HeinOnline now offers case law via Fastcase. You can also save and bookmark cases by creating a MyHein account, making access to favorite cases quick and easy. All HeinOnline content is available to Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law students on campus or remotely with your ASURITE.
Case law coverage in HeinOnline includes the judicial opinions of the Supreme Court (1754-present), Federal Circuits (1924-present), Board of Tax Appeals (vols. 1-47), Tax Court Memorandum Decisions (vols. 1-59), U.S. Customs Court (vols. 1-70), Board of Immigration Appeals (1996-present), Federal District Courts (1924-present), and Federal Bankruptcy Courts (1 B.R. 1-present). The state case law covers all fifty states, with nearly half of the states dating back to the 1800s. Coverage for the remaining states dates back to approximately 1950.