The staff of the Ross-Blakley Law Library would like you to help us improve our services and collections by taking the Ross-Blakley Law Library Student Survey.
At the end of the survey you will have the opportunity to enter into a drawing for prizes. The prizes include:
- A $10 gift certificate to (10 will be awarded)
- One Grand Prize: A week-long use of a Law Library Study Room
How cool would that be during the Reading & Exam Period!
By responding to this survey, you will provide essential information for use in planning goals and objectives. The Law Library will use the survey information to respond to user needs, improve library service, and to anticipate future library requirements for resources and technology.
You will be asked to provide your ASURITE login and password to access the survey. The survey runs from March 5th-19th, 2012.
Click here to take the survey:
Ross-Blakley Law Library Student Survey