Summer is not a vacation for the librarians at the Ross-Blakley Law Library. The end of the spring semester only renews our focus on research and study services. Meet with a Law Librarian to get professional, expert advice from JD-holding research experts on the following:
Summer classes and bar exam prep
- Study aids for upper level classes. Hornbooks, flashcards, flowcharts, and practice questions aren’t just for 1Ls and bar preppers. Our resources can help you stay on top of your reading for courses such as intellectual property, family law, criminal procedure, and evidence.
- Study aids for the bar exam. We have been through the grind of bar prep and can identify a bevy of resources you can use to make sure the bar is a once in a lifetime experience that you’ll never have to repeat.
- Research for seminar papers, journal notes, and graduate writing requirements. Summer classes are in session, and we are hard at work compiling resources for researchers in our seminar research guides. We are happy to meet with you one on one to discuss your particular project and provide expert guidance to efficiently use library resources and find all of the resources you will need.
Summer employment and externships
- Summer job/externship research project assistance. Our work is not done when classes are dismissed. We can meet with you to discuss non-confidential questions related to your internship, externship, or clerkship.
- Evaluate and strengthen your sources. We can critique your research and suggest stronger academic sources if you fear your paper may be too dependent on less than reliable materials.
Academic and professional development
- Prepare for journal work. We can show you some tricks of the trade for finding resources you’ll need for cite checking. When all else fails, give interlibrary loan a try! We can provide lessons to ease the citation transition from the Bluebook’s practice oriented blue pages to the academic white pages.
- Be a star research assistant. If you’re working for a new professor for the first time, the librarians can get you up to speed. We work closely with most law school faculty members and can help you become a shining academic aide.
- Land your next job. We know the ins and outs of evaluating employers and gathering intel on what they value in job candidates. We can show you the latest tools to get a sense of an employer’s operations and needs.
For your reference
- Clarify Bluebook citation. Sometimes, the Bluebook gives clear, unambiguous guidance on citation questions. We are here to help for the many times it does not.
- Get answers. We will continue to provide reference services through Ask a Law Librarian and our circulation staff will be on hand to help you track down and manage library resources.
Originally written by Andrea Gass