Update on Wolters Kluwer Study Aids: New 1L Videos and More

If you haven’t visited Wolters Kluwer Study Aids in a while, you should.  They have completely modernized and retooled their user-interface to improve your experience.


In addition to revamping the interface, they have created a series of Quimbee-style videos on a number of 1L topics: Criminal Law, Constitutional Law, Civil Procedure, Business Organizations, etc.  The videos are broken down in bite-sized topics (e.g. Criminal Law > Conspiracy) and are usually around 2-5 minutes in length.  They are a great way to supplement your studying with audio/visual materials . The “Videos” tab is directly below the search bar.


Wolters Kluwer is also home to the famously popular Examples and Explanation Series.  Many professors recommend this series to their students and it is a favorite student study aid whether in print or online. The law library provides you with access to both Wolters Kluwer and West Academic so save your hard-earned money and create accounts for these two services before you purchase a study aid.


If you are looking to test your knowledge before finals and are struggling to find model essays (with answers) to practice on, Wolter Kluwer hosts the Friedman’s Practice Series.  This series has eBooks for all of your 1L courses (and many 2L/3L courses) and has both practice multiple choice questions and practice essays – with model answers and issue-spotting outlines for the essays.


Remember: To access this resource you must go through the proxy link (below) and create an account while on the ASU campus wi-fi before you will be able to access the eBooks at home.  This is the proxy link you must use (bookmark it!):


If you have any trouble accessing these resources don’t hesitate to reach out to us.  If you’d like an in-person demonstration to any of these resources, Make an Appointment with a Librarian for a  one-on-one walk-through.

Sean Harrington, Electronic Resources Librarian