The Law Library has an abundance of resources to help you prepare for your exams.
- Our online study aids subscriptions will help build your confidence.
WK Online Study Aid
West Academic Study Aids
- CALI tutorials are written by law faculty and librarians from American law schools. They are reviewed and revised on a regular basis. The lessons are designed to help you become accustomed to taking multiple-choice examinations and provide feedback to your answers.
- You may access Law School Past Exams from the Law Library’s web site. Many faculty members make their past exams available to students as a teaching aid.
The law library collects a wide range of study materials because they present similar material differently. We want to accommodate for different learning styles. Some materials serve different functions. One title may restate class materials in a summary form (Examples & Explanations), while another may give you a boatload of practice multiple choice questions (Q&A), and another may be audio lectures for your commute (Sum & Substance). To determine which you like the most, it is best to skim the content either in the library or online to see what will work best for you. Please consult our succinct study skills materials chart to guide you through the semester: Study Aids Chart
If there is anything specific you might need help with as you prepare to study for your exams, please don’t’ hesitate to schedule an appointment to Meet with a Librarian.
We wish you the best of luck!