Summer 2020 & Post-Graduation Use of LexisNexis, Westlaw, Bloomberg Law & More

My Post (18)The Law Library provides you with unlimited access to a number of premium resources while you are in school but it’s important for you to know the dates that you will lose access (if you graduate) and the limitations that you have while using these platforms outside of school work.  In addition, we have received temporary eBook access to some textbooks from publishers and you should be aware of the tentative dates they will stop providing access. Publishers may choose to continue this access, but we have provided the dates below we have been given at the time of this post.

Free eBook Access for COVID-19 Closures

Publisher End Date
Wolters Kluwer (including Aspen & Carolina) May 25, 2020
Follett (Redshelf) May 25, 2020
West Academic (including Foundation) June 1, 2020

Information on accessing these items can be found in our Remote Access to Law Library Resources: COVID-19 Response LibGuide.

Summary of Legal Research Platform Access

Service Summer Access Post-Graduation Access Important Notes
Bloomberg Law Unrestricted access (academic or commercial use) June 1, 2021 Extended by courtesy of Bloomberg for the COVID-19 closures.
Lexis Advance Unrestricted access (academic or commercial use) 6 months after graduation Can apply for 12 months  of access if working at a non-profit 503(c)(3)
Westlaw EDGE Full access for select academic use 6 months after graduation (60 hours per month) Must register for summer and post-graduation access on site (see full info below)
Casetext Unrestricted access No post-graduation access

More Detail on Legal Research Platforms

Lexis Advance

Limitations on Access
Lexis Advance’s Terms & Conditions allows you to use the platform during the summer months and after graduation:

Lexis Summer

After Graduation
Once you graduate, you’ll automatically receive access for 6 months through the graduate access program.  If you’re working in the non-profit sector (at a 501(c)(3) corporation), you can apply for 12 months of access through their ASPIRE Program.  More information is available here:

Please contact our LexisNexis account executive, Alan J. Mamood, with questions.

Westlaw EDGE

Limitations on Access
Westlaw also allows students to use the platform during the summer and after graduation but they contain a specific limitation on usage:

Westlaw edge

Note: Private internships, unconnected from school credit, are ineligible and you may not bill private clients for this access or research.

After Graduation
The Ross-Blakley Law Library provides access to Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law graduates to enroll in Westlaw’s Grad Elite Program, which gives students access to Westlaw for 6 months for up to 60 hours each month.  Unlike Lexis, you must enroll in this program to maintain your access (for the 60 hours/mo.).  You will maintain access to your TWEN account for 18 months.  More information about this program can be found here:

Please contact our Thomson Reuters Academic Account Manager, Jeff Brandimarte, with questions.

Bloomberg Law

Limitations on Access
Bloomberg Law provides unrestricted summer access to all law students for any research purpose, whether academic or commercial.  You do not need to take any additional steps to secure summer access to your registered Bloomberg Law account.

After Graduation
Bloomberg Law automatically extends your account for 6 months after you graduate and you still have access to their online training materials and practice resources.  However, due to the COVID-19 closures, they have extended their offer to June 1, 2021 for 2020 graduates.  More information can be found here:


Casetext also provides students with free access during law school.  After graduation it is $65 per month to maintain unlimited access (included CARA AI).  If you plan to work outside of Arizona state, check with your local bar to see if Casetext access is included (or discounted) with your membership.

If you have any questions about access or would like training on any of these resources, don’t hesitate to make an appointment to Meet with a Librarian (including via Zoom) or Email a Librarian.