New Business Organizations Study Aids

The library has three new business organizations study aids in the study skills collection.  These may be useful if you plan on outlining over spring break!

Secured Transactions: Examples and Explanations
Law Study Skills Collection KF1050.Z9 B76 2011
Secured Transactions: Examples and Explanations provides introductions and illustrations that make Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code understandable.  The text covers the rules and policies of the law governing secured transactions, and provides helpful diagrams and visual aids.


Agency, Partnership, and the LLC in a Nutshell
Law Study Skills Collection KF1375.Z9 H95 2012
This compact guide provides a succinct description of the law related to agency and unincorporated business entities.  The book first lays a foundation in agency, then covers partnerships and LLCs.


Corporations: Examples and Explanations
Law Study Skills Collection KF1418 .S65 2009
tions: Examples and Explanations works through the many aspects of the law relating to corporations.  Topics covered include formation, shareholder rights, fiduciary duties,  the closely held corporation, protection of corporate creditors, and fundamental corporate changes.  Clear explanations and visual aids throughout the text aid with comprehension.